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Questions 1

Form questions using the answers as a guide.

Example:Bob and Carol / be / married? Yes, they are.
 Are Bob and Carol married?

1. you / like / chocolate? Yes, I do.
2. he / go / to the beach yesterday? Yes, he did.
3. how long / they / be / married? For three years.
4. how much / your new car / cost? It cost $20,000.
5. Don / play / squash? Yes, he can.
6. when / Helen / go / to America? 5 years ago.
7. where / he / go / for his holidays? He's going to Sydney.
8. how / you / go / to work last week? I went by car.
9. I / see / you again? Yes, you will.
10. Colleen / go /out? Yes, she has.